What is Sexological Bodywork®?
Sexological Bodywork® is a body-based educational modality that supports individuals, couples, and groups to learn to direct their erotic development and to deepen their erotic wellbeing and embodiment.
“Soma” or “Somatic” is ‘of the body’ but not merely the physical body. Our Soma includes our spirit, our mind, our body and physiology, our emotions and our feelings. In somatic work we are supported to turn our focus inwards, to the sensations we experience in our bodies, including information sourcing from our tissues, structures, trapped emotions and even the stories we hold in our nervous system which contribute to our habits and help shape how we experience ourselves and what is possible.
A person might seek the support of a Certfied Sexological Bodyworker (CSB) to help address specific challenges including a lack of access to pleasure, a diminished experience of desire and joy, or a longing to have greater access to the nourishing aspects of a partner’s touch. Any issue of and relating to our capacity to experience the full range of our human erotic embodiment is within the purview of a Certified Sexological Bodyworker including, simply, a desire to experience more.
Certfied Sexological Bodyworkers use a client-centered approach to empower, educate, and bring attention to the felt experience through movement, breath, touch, sound, and placement of awareness. This approach facilitates the ability to change limiting habits, unwind and release what is no longer supportive, re-sensitize the body, and create a more expansive erotic state that integrates both body and mind.
Our teaching involves a variety of instructive modalities, including breath-work, foundations of touch, somatic learning, body and genital mapping, consent and boundaries, active receiving, erotic massage, pelvic release bodywork, scar tissue remediation, and masturbation coaching.
Because Sexological Bodywork® is strictly offered within a 'one-way touch container’, we are able to offer clients a state of arousal that is free of the pressures of two-way touch that accompany engagement within partnered exploration. Certified Sexological Bodyworkers support students and clients to explore arousal and embodied states of pleasure that are free of cultural caveats and habitual sexual behaviors. In this meditative state, an individual becomes aware of the body as a source of wisdom, freedom and belonging; a safe and inspiring ‘home’ within which it is possible to continually evolve and grow.
All our member-practitioners are required to adhere to our Code of Ethics, which ensures that sessions are client-directed, that erotic touch is one-way (practitioner to client), that gloves are used for genital touch, and that practitioners remain clothed (except in specific circumstances described within our Code of Conduct & Ethics) and maintain professional boundaries with clients.
Certified Sexological Bodyworkers believe that sexual health, erotic education, and pleasure are not only basic human rights, but basic human requirements for wellbeing.

Common Reasons People See Sexological Bodyworkers
Developing Sexual Confidence
Unwinding Shame
Consent and Boundaries
Couples Wanting to Enhance Their Sex Life
Inability to Orgasm
Recovering from relational or sexual trauma
Relief from Pelvic Pain
Learning to Give and Receive Pleasure
Premature Ejaculation or Erectile Dysfunction
Recovering Sexual Functioning And Pleasure after Childbirth; Genital, Pelvic or Breast Surgery
Accepting and Loving One’s Body, Gender and Sexuality
Understanding Anal Pleasure
Scar Tissue Remediation
Embodiment and Expanding Pleasure Potential
Referred by a Therapist, Doctor, Social Worker, Massage Therapist