Join the Board!

shape where we go to shed light on the shadows…..



The role of Board President invites a partnership model whereby two individuals would be elected to serve alongside each other as co-Presidents. This is the only Board position that can be occupied by two individuals. The President(s) shall lead Board Meetings, prepare meeting agendas, and rotate the duties of hosting and leading the Community Association Meetings with other Officers and Board Members;  perform any such duties as required to advance the mission and goals of the Association, including public speaking, membership drives, participating in various Committees as needed and creating foundational structures and protocols;  interface with other Organizations and Institutions, Board Members to support and empower membership leadership.

Skills Needed:  previous board experience is strongly encouraged but not required, project management experience, strong team building skills, strong speaking and writing skills, powerful motivator and deligator, able to follow projects to completion, diplomacy, inclusivity, and meeting/circle facilitation skills. 

Monthly Meeting Expectations:  Monthly Board Meetings, Association Membership Meetings and Community Meetings, Committee meetings and any specifically-called meetings that require President(s) input and information. 

Specific Qualifications for Nomination:   Any member of the Association who is in good standing, is not currently involved in a grievance process (as either a Practitioner Under Review or a Complainant), has attended (or watched)  at least 3  Community Meetings from the previous Board term year and has a strong desire to make a contribution and learn alongside their peers may serve as President of the Board.


The Vice-President shall agree to lead designated meetings, potentially including but not limited to General Monthly Board Meetings, fulfilling duties of the President(s) in their absence; any such duties as required to advance the mission and goals of the Association, selecting a particular focus for their term of service (i.e., building the Association’s membership base). Interface with committee chairs to support and empower their leadership. Actively promote the field and the association, seek new members, and encourage new leadership. The Monthly Association Newsletter which includes gathering the content to be included each month from other Board and Committee members as well as creating the Newsletter in Mailchimp and organizing the date/time to send. The vice-President is also responsible for interfacing with the Committee Chairpersons, supporting each Committee’s goals and productivity.

Skills Needed:  project management, team building, speaking and writing skills (specifically as it pertains to furthering the fields of somatic sex education/sexological bodywork world-wide), motivation, following projects to completion, diplomacy, inclusivity, and meeting/circle facilitation skills.

Monthly Meeting Expectations:  Monthly Board Meetings, Association Membership Meetings and Community Meetings, Committee meetings and any specifically-called meetings that require Vice-President input and information.

Specific Qualifications for Nomination:  Any member of the Association who is in good standing, is not currently involved in a grievance process (as either a Practitioner Under Review or a Complainant), has attended (or watched)  at least 3  Community Meetings from the previous Board term year and has a strong desire to make a contribution and learn alongside their peers may serve as Vice President of the Board.


The Secretary is responsible for overseeing all social media and communication outreach to the general public. The Secretary is also responsible for taking minutes of the monthly Board meetings and  maintaining records of meeting minutes at an agreed-to location for review by Association members. The Secretary is also responsible for tracking and maintaining records of current membership and making such records available for review by members of the Executive Board.

Further, the Secretary will perform all duties described above and any other duties as assigned by the President(s), deemed necessary to maintain accurate records of the Association and communication with the membership and general public.  The Secretary is responsible for updating and maintaining the Association website (which includes managing and interfacing with professional website services when the Association chooses to hire an outside party).

Skills Needed: The Secretary is the backbone of the organization, and must possess strong organizational and project management skills, as well as the ability to see the vision behind the tasks; the Secretary must have strong multi-tasking skills, including note taking skills, communication and writing skills, social media skills, and a working knowledge of Membership Works, Mailchimp, Squarespace, Facebook and Instagram.

Monthly Meeting Expectations:  Monthly Board Meetings, Association Membership Meetings and Community Meetings, Committee meetings and any specifically-called meetings that require Secretary input and information.

Specific Qualifications for Nomination:   Any member of the Association who is in good standing, is not currently involved in a grievance process (as either a Practitioner Under Review or a Complainant), has attended (or watched)  at least 3  Community Meetings from the previous Board term year and has a strong desire to make a contribution and learn alongside their peers may serve as Secretary of the Board.


The Treasurer is responsible for tracking and managing all fiscal aspects of the Association, including the physical management of funds collected from membership dues, the establishment and maintenance of any bank accounts for the Association, handling of all deposits of funds in the name of the Association at the financial institutions agreed upon by the Executive Board and making designated payments on behalf of the Association’s business and financial obligations in a timely and accurate manner.

The Treasurer will maintain accurate records of all financial transactions pertinent to the efficient operation of the Association and make all fiscal information available to the Executive Board. The Treasurer will have a thorough knowledge of the regulatory requirements of both State and Federal governing of 501(c)-6 organizations and complete required reports to comply with State and Federal requirements.

Skills Needed:   Financial recordkeeping and management, knowledge of legal and corporate compliance reporting requirements, bookkeeping, budgeting and fiscal management skills.

Monthly Meeting Expectations:  Monthly Board Meetings, Association Membership Meetings and Community Meetings, Committee meetings and any specifically-called meetings that require Treasurer input and information.

Specific Qualifications for Nomination:   Any member of the Association who is in good standing, is not currently involved in a grievance process (as either a Practitioner Under Review or a Complainant), has attended (or watched)  at least 3  Community Meetings from the previous Board term year and has a strong desire to make a contribution and learn alongside their peers may serve as Treasurer of the Board.


To number no less than 2 and no more than 5, General Board members have voting privileges. Additionally, members of the General Board are responsible for a variety of general organizational functions including helping to determine the Board focus for the year, carrying out specific duties within the organization and assisting the Executive Board as needed. Further, each General Board member is expected to continue to develop and evolve the Association by selecting at least one goal to accomplish during their tenure. Finally, it is encouraged that each General Board member will serve on a specific Committee, in either the Chair position or as a general member.

Skills Needed: Project management, team building, speaking and writing skills (specifically as it pertains to furthering the fields of somatic sex education/sexological bodywork world-wide), motivation, following projects to completion, diplomacy, inclusivity, and meeting/circle facilitation skills. Additionally

Monthly Meeting Expectations: Monthly Board Meetings, Association Membership Meetings and Community Meetings, Committee meetings and any specifically-called meetings that require General Board member input and information.

Specific Qualifications for Nomination:  Any member of the Association who is in good standing, is not currently involved in a grievance process (as either a Practitioner Under Review or a Complainant), has attended (or watched)  at least 3  Community Meetings from the previous Board term year and has a strong desire to make a contribution and learn alongside their peers may serve as a Member of the General Board.

Send us your inquiry.

Reach out to a specific board member whose position you have questions on or fill out this form and your inquiry will be passed on.

Email the president for “General Board Member” inquiries and they will pass it on to those serving in that role this term. Thanks for your interest!


Vice President:

