FEEDBACK FORM Name (optional) First Name Last Name Names of your facilitators * What were your reasons for attending? * Has practising Transformative Justice Circles increased your capacity to connect with, value and trust yourself and others? If so, how? How do you imagine your awareness and experience of Transformative Justice Circles could impact yourself and your interactions with the people in your life? Did you have any “aha” moments? If yes, we'd love to hear more Did you have any challenging moments? If yes, we'd love to hear more Do you plan to use the steps-after-a-shame-event, Green/Purple path model and/or Circling in your professional practice? If yes, how might you do so? * What aspect(s) of the practice of Transformative Justice Circling might you recommend to another and why? * What aspects of Transformative Justice Circles would you like to further explore? * * I am likely to recommend this workshop Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree My experience of booking & communicating about attending was easy Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree What would you say to those considering this workshop? * What would you say are your main take-aways? * If the ACSB were to organize other training events, what topics or providers would you be interested in? May we quote your words as a testimonial? * Yes, with attribution Yes, annonymously No Do you have any other feedback or recommendations e.g. regarding the homework, the duration (5 x 90 minutes), or anything else? Thank you!