Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers
The Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers (ACSB) is devoted to the promotion, support, development and accountability of the profession of Certified Sexological Bodywork® and Somatic Sex Education.
What is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker?
Certified Sexological Bodyworkers are trained body-based practitioners, supporting individuals, couples and groups to learn to direct their erotic development and to deepen their erotic wellbeing and embodiment.
The ACSB was founded in 2005 as the professional association for Certified Sexological Bodyworkers. The ACSB’s mission is to support its members by offering continuing education programs, by facilitating innovation and creativity, and by building bridges between this profession and other somatic and therapeutic professions. The ACSB is committed to the integrity, evolution, and diversity of Somatic Sex Education and Sexological Bodywork®.
ACSB Core Values
Our members agree to hold themselves accountable to on-going professional development and to our organization’s evolving Code of Ethics. We advocate mentorship and supervision. As we promote the somatic integrity of the human body, it is each member-practitioner’s ethical responsibility to be in alignment with the values and ethics of our professional community.
We hold a commitment of moving towards that which serves this field and honor the requirements of change. This includes continuing to foster our relationships with other professional organizations in the health and wellness field.
We acknowledge and celebrate diversity in bodies, gender, culture, experience, and age. We understand how intergenerational trauma carries in the bodies of those who are directly and collectively impacted by harm. We work towards anti-racist and anti-homophobic practices, and engage in ongoing discussion and action to weave this essential learning and growth into the professional offering endorsed by our organization. We acknowledge the whiteness in the field of Sexological Bodywork and actively participate in creating structures that actively invite and raise-up the voices of more marginalized individuals and groups – whose people have shaped the somatic practices these trainings have come directly out of. We are actively building our diversity-mindedness in all of our initiatives and promoting donations to our BIPOC scholarship fund.
Upcoming events.
The Events Calendar Includes all board meetings, Ethics Committee Meetings and Community Meetings